The overall objective is achieved by a combination of real-life demonstrators and desk studies focussing on automation of transport and the supply of green energy.
The activities within each Work Package of the MAGPIE project are detailed below.
WP2- Communication, Stakeholder engagement and Dissemination
“This work package plays a transversal role in MAGPIE, highlighting its three dimensions: green, smart and integrated multimodal transport.”
Théo Fortin
Head of international projects and cooperation, AIVP
+33 2 35 42 76 13 /
WP2 will also be essential to show MAGPIE is in line with the political motto of the Green Deal: “making Europe the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050”. Therefore, an ambitious stakeholder engagement section is included in this WP2, going from classical bilateral meetings to open participative workshops. A framework will be provided to ensure 100% transparency of the MAGPIE project.
WP3- Energy Requirements & Supply chains
“The main focus of this Work Package is on exploring how new energy vectors (Electrification, Hydrogen, Ammonia, BioLNG) will need to evolve to comply with the decarbonization targets associated with the different transport modalities that co-exist in a Port ecosystem.”
João Silva
Project Manager in the area of RES Integration & Flexibility of EDP NEW
(+351)919646956 /
The Work Package “Energy Requirements & Supply chains” intends to study a comprehensive portfolio of new energy supply chains (Electrification, Hydrogen, Ammonia, BioLNG) to decarbonize the port transport activities. The main goals are characterizing/designing these supply chains, realizing for which transport modalities they can add value and defining their roll-out plan.
- Demo 1: BioLNG production
- Demo 2: Smart Energy Systems
- Demo 3: Shore power peak shaving
WP4- Digital tools
“The main goal is the development and integration of modular, flexible, and interoperable digital tools that will allow for more efficient operations, fuel and modal shift, and carbon footprint reduction in ports and transport chains that are relevant for the port”
Zenaida Sobral Mourao
Senior Researcher, INESC TEC – Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science
(+351) 220 413 317 /
The aim is the development of the port Digital Twin, implementing a modular architecture and interoperable digital representations for the port ecosystem to allow ports and related stakeholders to manage and plan their operations for lower environmental impacts (GHG tool), optimize the use of low-carbon and decarbonized energy vectors (Energy Matching tool), and implement a Ports Smart and Green logistics tool for strategic and long term decisions.
Main outputs:
- Port Digital Twin
Including the following three digital tools:
- GHG tool
- Energy Matching tool
- Smart and green logistics tool
WP5- Maritime and inland waterway transport
“Develop & test a series of zero carbon energy technologies for maritime vessels, providing increased insight into the technical and commercial viability”
Peter Lystrup Christensen
Technology manager, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
The Maritime and inland waterway transport Work Package consist of 4 individual demos, all with the purpose of driving zero carbon energy technologies for maritime vessels:
Demo 4: Ammonia bunkering demo
Ammonia bunkering to seagoing vessels using a retrofitted bunkering barge. Ammonia is one of the leading future fuel pathways for international shipping’s decarbonisation. The main goal will be to develop the pathway for ammonia bunkering in the Port of Rotterdam.
Demo 5: Offshore Charging Buoy
Development and testing of an e-buoy, that can provide electrical power to ships. The buoys will be located near ports or near windfarms and enable ships to be powered with green energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution to the local environment.
Demo 6: Autonomous E-barge and transhipment
Autonomous E-barge and transhipment to demonstrate efficiency of autonomous intra-terminal barge and automated cargo transhipment. The demo will help evaluate the impact of autonomous inter-terminal barge concepts.
Demo 7: Green container
Demonstrate the use of green hydrogen and li-ion energy packs providing electricity to an e-barge. The demo will support sustainable transport by using electricity from renewables and help prepare for future technical requirements and safety standards.
- Demo 4: Ammonia bunkering demo
- Demo 5: Offshore Charging Buoy
- Demo 6: Autonomous E-barge and transhipment
- Demo 7: Green container
WP6- Land based transport
“In this Work Package new technologies with a focus on hydrogen, hybrid and electric driving systems will be investigated for various land-based modes (road, rail)”
The main goals of this work package are to
- demonstrate the feasibility of concrete solutions for GHG-neutral transport in seaports and along hinterland corridors,
- prove the benefits of new technologies regarding efficiency and impact on the environment and
- demonstrate the prerequisites for a roll-out of new solutions to fellow ports.
Demo 8: Hybrid shunting locomotive
Demo 9: Green Connected Trucking
Demo 10: Spreading road traffic
Developing and demonstrating a logistical model for sustainable synchro-modal transport on the hinterland connections between ports and inland terminals (road, rail and barge).
WP7- Non-technological Measures
“Developing a suite of non-tech measures to support the uptake of green technologies”
Larissa van der Lugt
Director of Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics (Erasmus UPT)
+31(0)10 408 1410 /
Our project will develop non-tech measures that enable and accelerate the implementation of low or zero-emission technologies in transport. Non-tech measures consist of policy, market, or informational solutions designed to relieve commercial actors of the burdens of risk, price, and uncertainty. These measures will provide crucial market and regulatory protection to new, green technologies so they can compete with established carbon intensive technologies.
WP8- Monitoring and Impact Evaluation
“The objective of this Work Package is to set up and execute an objective method for measurement, monitoring and impact evaluation of the demos within the project”
Martijn Streng
Senior Advisor Port Economics for the Erasmus Centre of Urban, Port and Transport Economics (Erasmus UPT)
+31(0)104081556 /
This Work Package specifies what to measure and how, how to deal with the data gaps, specifies a baseline scenario to benchmark demo and project results. It establishes a continuous monitoring process and ensures cross-demo synergies and feeds the collected or computed data to the other parts of the project where primary (real world) data is necessary for useful experimenting and successful development.
WP9- Master Plan for European Green ports
“Delivering a Master Plan for the future European green port including a handbook for implementation, replication and scaling-up of innovations”
Maaike Dalhuisen
Strategy Advisor, Strategy & Analysis – Port of Rotterdam
+31 (0)6 10935187 /
This Work Package is the culmination of the project where all results come together in the Master plan for the green port of the future.